This article is a quick howto on how I set up a working iscsi target on a centos box. Note that this was just for my own personal testing and should not be used in a production environment without some serious security and performance enhancements.
On with the HOWTO:...
Start out with a Centos 5.3 server. I will not go into how to set this up but I am willing to bet if you are looking at how to set up iscsi then you already know how to set up a Centos server.
From a command line type
yum update
This will make sure the system is up to date.
Then Download iscsitarget-0.4.17.tar.gz from SourceForge
I put the above file in /usr/src/iscsitarget If that folder does not exist you will need to create it.
mkdir /usr/src/iscsitarget
Then change to that directory
cd /usr/src/iscsitarget
Now you will have to enter the following commands to extract the files and install iscsitarget.
tar xvf iscsitarget-0.4.17.tar.gz
cd iscsitarget-0.4.17
make install
Once installed I created a folder to house my test disk files
mkdir /data/iscsidisks
Then create an empty file for your iscsi target file
dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/iscsidisks/LUN0 bs=1M count=512
(The above command will create a 512 MB file. Adjust accordingly.)
Now onto the config file for iscsitarget
Open up the /etc/ietd.conf file
I added the below options but there are many others as well. See the man file for more help.
IncomingUser scott 123456789012
OutgoingUser scott 123456789012
Lun 0 Path=/data/iscsidisks/LUN0,Type=fileio
Alias test
InitialR2T Yes
ImmediateData Yes
MaxOutstandingR2T 8
You may need to adjust the allow and deny files. For my testing I opened it up to allow all connection but you can adjust accordingly
Open up the /etc/initiators.allow file. I added
to the file.
Now you can then restart the iscsi-target service
/etc/init.d/iscsi-target restart
At this point you should now have a working iscsi target that you can connect to from an iscsi initiator. I will post a separate article on how to connect to this target.
For instructions How to connect to the iSCSI target from Windows Vista
click here
Labels: command line, iSCSI, linux