It Fixed it for me - Personal Aantivirus Removal

I cant take credit for creating this fix but I fugured I would post about it as this seems to be a new spam/spyware program.

I recently had a client come to me with an infection of a fake antivirus software. It would display a small pop up in the bottom right corner of the screen with alerts that the pc is infected with a number of trojans and other viruses.

The software apparently did not install in a way that would allow you to remove it from the control panel "Add/remove programs" applet and the un-install icon in the start menu would not work at all.

I came accross this method of uninstalling the software that appears to work.

                                              -Open My computer or windows explorer and , open the  C: drive; -Find the folder Program Files\Common Files\Uninstal\PAV\Uninstall.exe; -Run (double click) the file Uninstall.exe
A small popup should come up stating that the removal was successfull.

After running this I also ran a Spybot Search and Destroy scan and a Malwarebytes Antimalware scan to be sure that the infection was gone.

As usual this may not be the only way to remove the software but "It Fixed It for me"

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